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Subramanian Kanta

Sneha Subramanian Kanta is the author of five chapbooks including Ancestral-Wing and Ghost Tracks. Her multi-genre work has been published in Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, Contemporary Verse 2, and elsewhere. An award-winning writer, her work has been supported by several institutions including Ontario Arts Council, Tin House, the Charles Wallace Trust, the Vijay Nambisan Foundation, the Writers’ Union of Canada, British Council, and Rutgers University. She is one of the founding editors of Parentheses Journal, and lives in Mississauga. 

Award History

Jury Citation

“Bursting through the page with unique musicality, ‘Hiraeth’ is a sharp and skillful collection written with an equal mastery of imagery, world-building, and storytelling. Sneha Subramanian Kanta’s rhythmic stanzas bring forth the most intimate feelings and meditations of a poet pondering questions of exile, nostalgia, motherhood, and homeland. Distinctive in both form and content, this collection is poignant, tender, deep, and urgent.”

—2024 RBC Bronwen Wallace Award poetry jury (Derek Beaulieu, Kama La Mackerel, and Joanna Lilley)

Works recognized by WT