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Trudeau Beaunoyer 

Karianne Trudeau Beaunoyer writes poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction in Montreal. Her debut poetry collection, Je suis l’ennemie, received the Émile-Nelligan prize in 2020 and was shortlisted for the Alain-Grandbois prize in 2021. Her writing has appeared in magazines including Estuaire, Les écrits, and Liberté. Her essay about anorexia, neoliberalism, and ghosts, “J’entends la rumeur entêtée d’un silence de mort,” received a 2023 SODEP’s Excellence Award. Trudeau Beaunoyer has served on the editorial board of Mœbius magazine and was literary director of a poetry collectiogn from Triptyque Editions. She is currently working on a novel about restoration, an essay combining urban legends and personal narrative, and a poetry collection. 

Program History

2024 Rising Star

Rising Stars

Selected by

Élise Turcotte


“Karianne Trudeau Beaunoyer’s first collection of poetry raises powerful questions about poverty, social exile, and survival. She summons the story to dig deeper, wider. Her writing is not only a promise but a revelation through imagery and voice, a rebirth. Trudeau Beaunoyer’s tour de force is to reveal everything, but with a restraint that is the legacy of silence, the learning of shame. The great wealth and breadth of her projects means working with her will be a learning experience for me as well.”