Award History
2010 Finalist
Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writingfor Arrival City: The Final Migration and our Next World
Jury Citation
“Doug Saunders' Arrival City is a big book about a big subject — the migration of one-third of humanity from countrysides to cities. But it builds its argument through meticulous and closely-observed reporting, on the ground in countries around the world. At its heart is an apparent paradox: that the world's sprawling slums, favelas and barrios represent hope and progress. How could that be? Saunders keeps an eye on where the people in those shantytowns are from and where they're going. It's an exhilarating read.” – 2010 Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing Jury (L. Ian MacDonald, Rosemary Speirs, and Paul Wells)