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Catherine Hernandez is a proud queer woman of colour, radical mother, activist, theatre practitioner, award-winning author, and the artistic director of b current performing arts. Her one-woman show,The Femme Playlist, premiered at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre in 2014. Her other plays include Singkil, Eating with Lola, Kilt Pins, and Future Folk. Her first novel, Scarborough, won the Jim Wong-Chu Award for the unpublished manuscript, was shortlisted for the Toronto Book Awards, shortlisted for the Evergreen Forest of Reading Award, and longlisted for CBC's Canada Reads. Scarborough also made the "best of 2017" lists for The Globe and Mail, National Post, Quill and Quire, and CBC Books. She also wrote the children’s book, M is for Mustache: A Pride ABC Book. Hernandez is currently working on her second children's book, I Promise; her second novel, Crosshairs; and her final play, Library.